We invest in bold founders and support Hands-On the MVP-Development and scaling.

We are proud to have led founders to success with our support.

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Dizzbo erhält Verstärkung und mehr Geld

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Exklusiv: Berliner Matching-Plattform für LKW und Fracht sammelt Millionen ein

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Robert, Peter, wie schafft man 600 % Wachstum in 10 Monaten?

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Investment Focus

Needs to be Tech Heavy

Has Disruptive Potential

Bold Founders

Your business idea has a technical focus and the potential to shake up an entire industry, to move people to new actions and thinking. And it is scalable as well?

Investment Approach

Operational Investment

Rapid Go To Market


We don't just put capital into startups. We support our founders with experienced developers, UX&UI experts to bring their idea to market within a few months. And to scale even faster.

Investment Stages


Early Stage


We get in early. After the founding team has been formed. After the first definition of the business model. After the first POCs and market validations.


With DIZZBO, the revolution of the truck freight market begins.

Shippers and carriers are brought together completely digitally and in real time with the unique DIZZBO algorithm on the online platform.

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Hippybees is the first online store for products from polycultures. A platform from which revolutions can start.

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A cell phone - that's all it takes to track a fleet of trucks in real time. With the help of the unique integrated multi-language communication, there are no longer language barriers between dispatcher and driver.